Tuesday, April 3, 2007

BGCO applies for city funding

Many of you will remember that last year the Bowling Green Chamber Orchestra applied for and was denied funding from the City of Bowling Green. Those voting for funding were Mayor Elaine Walker and Delane Simpson. Those voting against funding were Brian Strow, Brian "Slim" Nash and Mark Alcott.

Last week we once again applied for funding. Mayor Walker and Commissioners Strow and Nash remain on the commission. New members include Commissioners Bruce Wilkerson and Joe Denning. I have personally spoken to Mayor Walker and Commissioner Wilkerson, who have both indicated that they will support our request. Members of our board have spoken to Commissioner Denning, who also supports the orchestra. Consequently, it appears that we have the three votes needed to obtain funding. However, we cannot take anything for granted. Please contact the entire city commission and ask them to support the BGCO.

Why should the city support the chamber orchestra? For one thing, of the four largest cities in Kentucky, Bowling Green is the only city that does not fund its orchestra. Owensboro, for example, receives $50,000 from the city (according to the last information I had on the subject).

Another reason for city funding is the fact that the BGCO provides a free, Fourth of July concert at Western Kentucky University's campus. The 70-minute concert also includes a free fireworks display. Last season we had over 15,000 people in the audience! This is our gift to the community, but it is the most expensive concert we produce. Doesn't it make sense that the city should support an arts event that is accessible to ALL of its citizens?

Although there are several other reasons for the city to support us, the primary reason is the "quality of life" issue. Isn't all government funding a matter of quality of life? After all, why do we want new roads? More police protection? How about parks? Golf courses? Skate parks?
In our own special way, we at the BGCO believe that we make Bowling Green a better place to live.

Shouldn't the orchestra that proudly bears the city's name receive its support?

Jeff Reed

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