Is it goose pimples or chill bumps? I guess it depends on whether you grew up in the north (pimples) or the south (bumps). No matter what you call it, I got them last Monday night, conducting a concert of Christmas music with Grammy-winners Dick Tunney and Larnelle Harris. It made me wonder: what exactly makes one react to some music that way, but not others? I think it boils down to two things: high quality and passion.
First of all, both Dick and Larnelle are accomplished in their fields. I call Dick the Liberace of Christian music. And, thanks to his instruction at Western Kentucky University, Larnelle knows how to sing. After forty-some years in the business, he still hits those high As effortlessly (well, at least he makes it sound like it is easy!).
Additionally, both Dick and Larnelle perform great arrangements. From Dick's own arrangements, to Larnelle's work with people like David Clydesdale, their charts are top notch--even though very difficult to play.
High quality of performance, etc. is fine and dandy, but we have all heard musicians who are good at what they do, performing masterpieces of music, but still not connecting with their audiences. I think the missing elements with them is passion. Passion for the music they are performing. Passion for their mission. Passion for the people they are trying to reach. However, if all these elements are present, magic happens. And that's what happened Monday.
As I conducted Dick's portion of the concert, he was clearly connecting with me and the audience. He smiled the entire time, thoroughly enjoying each moment as it unfolded. If things weren't perfect, he still gave me positive reinforcement, nonverbally saying to me, "Enjoy yourself--we are blessed to be able to do this--and we get paid!
Larnelle's passion comes not only through his connection with the audience, but also his willingness to take risks. I have now conducted two concerts with Larnelle. Every time is different. He would most likely say that he is lead and inspired by God when he performs. That comes through his music, which is anything but a packaged, rote performance.
Finally, these performances are special for me because I know the men themselves. They aren't just great artists. They are great people. And that's a far better thing.
Guess what? I get to do it all again this Monday! What a Christmas present!